XSTOL on Flight Simulator

Описание к видео XSTOL on Flight Simulator

Strap in tight, team, it's time for a bumpy ride on the Jelly Bean Company!!

The Pac750, or XSTOL is out on Microsoft Flight Simulator and I sure as suger had to give it a whirl. First time on Flight Sim for a good few years too, and man things have improved!
TLDR, looks pretty good, hard to tell how she compares flying-wise. A few engine issues that are inaccurate. But for having a hoon about you can't go wrong. I like it. So many buttons, AND THEY ALL WORK!
It was neat to have a look arounf Lukla too, it's been a day or two since having a fly there.

Purchased here: https://orbxdirect.com/product/p750-msfs

Have you had a go on this weapon yet? What did you think of it?


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