Secrets to Winning at Office Politics: How to Get Things Done and Increase Your Influence at Work

Описание к видео Secrets to Winning at Office Politics: How to Get Things Done and Increase Your Influence at Work

If IT careers are so rewarding, why do many highly motivated and skilled technical pros consider leaving their jobs each year? One reason is office politics; or more specifically, the de-energizing effects that office politics can have on the unfortunate individuals caught in its grasp.

It's often difficult to define office politics because it is more of a perception than an individual act. It includes the concepts of power, influence, clique, favor, protection, and communication. Additionally, every individual in an organization will have his or her own viewpoint and experience--often with extremely different outcomes.

The negative side to office politics is often described in terms such as backstabbing, bullying, infighting, gossip, favoritism, string pulling, covering up, or working the grapevine. Employees who benefit from office politics may use more positive terms including decision influencing, personnel bonding, clarifying, plugging in, streamlining, or fast tracking.

Key takeaways:

• Navigate organizational politics to get things done
• Cope with difficult situations and people
• Keep cool under pressure


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