DeLorean's Dream Car - The Banshee

Описание к видео DeLorean's Dream Car - The Banshee

Chevrolet's designers came up with a series of racy looking concepts to battle the Mustang. While the project, code named, the F car, dragged on, DeLorean pursued his own designs for a sporty new car.

DeLorean wanted to build a car that was more of a Corvette fighter. He knew that there was a limited market for a two seat sport car so he had been preparing something with Corvette performance and handling -- and four seats.

It had all independent suspension, concealed wipers and head lamps, a 421 cubic inch V8 and flip up roof panels. Its fold down rear seats gave it ample luggage room without sacrificing sportiness.

But GM's President ordered it removed from its display stand before it was to be shown to the public at the 1966 New York Auto Show. GM wanted Pontiac to leave Chevrolet's Corvette alone and concentrate its resources on fighting Ford's Mustang and a car Mercury was about to introduce, the Cougar.

That was the end of the Banshee and soon DeLorean would have to abandon another sporty pet project -- the XP833.

AU Firebird


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