STRĂIN | original song by Andra Ariadna | OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO

Описание к видео STRĂIN | original song by Andra Ariadna | OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO

Hello everyone! "Străin" is my newest original song. I've been thinking whether I should release this one or not because it truly represents my most vulnerable state. I started working on it one night when I was down. At that time, working on this song was the only thing that held me together. It kept my mind busy exactly when I needed it.

I chose to release it in the end because for a while I've been trying to do all the things that scare me so that they no longer have power over me. You can share the song with the world if you feel like it!

Why did I choose this title? ("Străin" / "Stranger") - I chose it because the feeling of not recognizing yourself can be very overwhelming. Feeling like your inner flame is slowly dying out is also very painful. I'm still trying to get to know myself, but until then... I hope my song will touch your heart! If you resonate with my lyrics too, please never give up on yourself no matter how hopeless you feel.

This song was 100% created by me. If you want, you may use it for personal projects, but it is not for commercial use.
Let me know what you think about it and feel free to share it with the world!

Composition, lyrics, recording, mixing, mastering, filming and video editing by Andra Ariadna. None of the instruments were played in real life. I arranged them note by note in my editing program. The other videos/pictures that helped me create the lyric video do not belong to me, they belong to their rightful owners.

🌟 Here's how you can support me if you like what I do:

Become my patron on Patreon:   / andraariadnaofficial  
For one time donations:

For those of you who do not know me, I post cover music videos or original songs EVERY FRIDAY, so feel free to subscribe and hit the bell icon if you want to hear and see more from me!

🌟 You can find me on:

Official artist account on Facebook:   / andraariadnaofficial  
Personal Facebook account:   / andraariadna  
Instagram account:   / andra_ariadna.official  
Youtube channel:    / andraariadna  


LYRICS (in Romanian):

Se lasă iar întunericul în mine
Iar liniştea pare că nu-mi aparţine
Din străzi pustii veghează un felinar bătrân
Eu aş vrea să plec, dar tot aleg să mai rămân

M-am pierdut, nu-mi aparţin
Propriul suflet mi-e străin
Şi cerşesc cu inima
Să m-audă cineva

E ceaţă iar printre gândurile mele
Şi toate par din ce în ce mai grele
Mi-aş arunca în noapte şi inima de plumb
De-aş putea aşa toată durerea s-o alung

M-am pierdut, nu-mi aparţin
Propriul suflet mi-e străin
Şi cerşesc cu inima
Să m-audă cineva

Privesc absent spre umbra mea şi e târziu
Am rămas doar noi, fantome captive-n cenuşiu
De-aş putea da timpul înapoi, nu m-aş mai lăsa
Să-mi dau ultima suflare pentru altcineva

M-am pierdut, nu-mi aparţin
Propriul suflet mi-e străin
Şi cerşesc cu inima
Să m-audă cineva

M-aude cineva?

© Andra Ariadna 2024


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