The Chosen Ruins - Septerra Core OST

Описание к видео The Chosen Ruins - Septerra Core OST

Composed by Martin O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori.

This piece is from the 1999 western JRPG, Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator. This game's music was composed by the famous O'Donnell/Salvatori composer duo of Halo fame, but almost no one seems to know about it. I hope to draw some appreciation towards this obscure soundtrack, especially as you can really hear the roots of what became their signature sound in games such as Halo: Combat Evolved. This video has been posted for historical and archival purposes. I am not affiliated with TopWare Interactive. This video was rendered using a source-quality audio source.

This video is not monetized and I do not accept any form of compensation for any archival work that I do. I also do not offer downloads of music I do not own the rights to.


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