GTA 5 - 737-MAX9 SS (Sandy Shores) to LSIA Full Flight HD

Описание к видео GTA 5 - 737-MAX9 SS (Sandy Shores) to LSIA Full Flight HD

Sorry for not uploading in the past month. I havn't been as excited to make any videos like I use to be. But don't worry i'm going to step up my game and get back on the upload grind :D

The departure chart that I used was made by a fellow youtuber called Jeff Favignano (he is awesome :D). But I myself made the chumash 1 arrival chart as I was inspired by Jeff to make my own because he only made departure charts for sandy shores and stopped there and didn't make anymore. I will link the website of where I got the charts and his channel below.

P.S please don't roast me if my arrival chart that I made is incorrect and has errors (after all its only GTA) I have little knowledge of IFR im more of a VFR guy.

Jeff's channel:    / jfavignano  
Jeff's departure plates:

Modders Channel:    / skylinegtrr34freak  


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