
Описание к видео 台北世貿文具展「@Jacky1966tw吾告讚創意工作坊」正在直播!

事之超絕而稀有者,稱為殊勝。如吾人常贊嘆極樂凈土因緣殊勝,因阿彌陀佛發四十八大愿普度眾生,凡有一念之善者皆可往生凈土,蓮花化生,實乃稀有之事。Things that are extraordinary and rare are called extraordinary. For example, we often praise the unique causes and conditions of the Pure Land of Utmost Bliss. Because Amitabha Buddha made the forty-eight great vows to save all living beings, anyone with a single good thought can be reborn in the Pure Land. It is really a rare thing to be reborn as a lotus.


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