The 813-carat Constellation Diamond cut with Synova’s DCS 300 Laser Diamond Cutting System

Описание к видео The 813-carat Constellation Diamond cut with Synova’s DCS 300 Laser Diamond Cutting System

The world’s most valuable rough diamond, the 813-carat "Constellation Diamond", was cut on a Synova DCS 300 Laser Diamond Cutting System.

The DCS 300 integrates Synova’s water jet guided laser technology Laser MicroJet®:
- High precision
- Parallel kerf walls
- No heat damage
- No focus control necessary due to long working distance
- Smooth cutting surfaces and sharp edges
- Minimal weight loss and low risk of breakage
- Diamond sawing in mass production
- Very little post treatment required
- Fast cutting time and easy processing

DCS 300 - Laser cutting for jewelry
This diamond cutting system (DCS) with a working area of 300 x 300 mm is particularly well suited for cutting larger diamonds having a size of 5 carats or more. It offers sawing and pie sawing capabilities for natural diamonds and coring and slicing of CVD diamonds.

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The Inventor of Water Jet Laser


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