Kwali Kumara & Pete Ardron - Fire

Описание к видео Kwali Kumara & Pete Ardron - Fire

from Elemental Temple - Part One


The element of alchemy, passion, power, dynamic energy and transformation.
It sustains by giving warmth, courage, comfort and protection.
It purifies with annihilation and destruction.
It symbolises freedom, will power, the light of truth, creativity, life-force, love, divine inspiration and spiritual enlightenment.
Its elemental beings are Salamanders.

According to ancient yogic science specific lengths of meditation have unique effects on the psyche and anatomy. It is said that thirty-one minutes balances all the layers of the mind’s projection

Released by Ensancha El Alma Records 2022


Elemental Temple - Part Two and Elemental Temple - Universe will be released June 14 2024


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