SKYPE Interview Questions and Answers! SKYPE Interview TIPS!

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Got a Skype interview? Download the Questions and ANSWERS here:
Skype interviews are very difficult to pass, especially because there are so many different parameters involved! However, in this video tutorial, interview expert Richard McMunn, gives you his top Skype interview tips and also his interview questions and answers to help you prepare and PASS.


SKYPE INTERVIEW TIP #1 – Dress for the occasion.
The vast majority of Skype interviews will be performed using both audio and visual. Therefore, because the interviewer will be able to see you, (or your top half at the very least!) it is important to dress as if you were attending a formal, face-to-face interview.

Treat the Skype interview as if it were the real thing! Dress formally for the occasion.

SKYPE INTERVIEW TIP #2 – Consider the location for the Skype call carefully.
Before your Skype interview takes place, think about the location in which you will take the call. Make sure it is quiet, aesthetically appealing and the location also has a strong internet connection.

You should also ensure you will not be disturbed during the Skype call – this is very important, as to be interrupted during the call, will look unprofessional.

SKYPE INTERVIEW TIP #3 – Prepare your answers in advance!
It is very important you prepare your answers to the Skype interview well in advance of the call. However, do not make the mistake that most people make and read from a sheet of paper with the answers written down on it.

The interviewer will be able to tell your eyes are distracting away from the web camera, and your answers will not flow, or appear natural.

#skypeinterviewtips #skypeinterviewquestions

Q. Start off the Skype interview by telling me about yourself?
Q. Why do you want this job and what skills do you have that would be relevant?
Q. Why do you want to work for our company?
Q. Why do you want to leave your current job?
Q. What’s your biggest weakness?

This video will aim to answer the more common type of Skype interview queries, including;

Q. What is the SKYPE interview dress code?
Q. How long does a Skype interview last?
Q. How do I pass a Skype interview?

Connect with Richard McMunn on at:
  / richard-mcmunn-coach  

Download Richard McMunn's 22 SKYPE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS guide at:


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