Mechanics explained: Praising and Scolding

Описание к видео Mechanics explained: Praising and Scolding

In this clip I explain the happiness and discipline gains and losses as an effect of praising and scolding and which situations offer the opportunity to do a reasonable scold. An unreasonable scold is a scold performed at any given situation that does not allow a reasonable scold.

Praising increases happiness a base of 2 plus 10% of the current discipline rounded down to the whole number e.g. base = 2; discipline = 59 so 10% of that is 5.9 rounded down to the whole number is 5 it then results in 2 + 5 = 7 happiness gained.
In formula form happiness gain = floor discipline * 0.1+2

Reasonable is when he refuses to eat an edible non-food item or pooping on the ground. Moving during the refusal phase up until the feeding phase, which he can't refuse as he got scolded, will break the cycle and reset the situation. Basically as soon as you move during the process it ends right there.

Results of both types of scolds are shown below.

Reasonable vs Unreasonable
Happiness +3 -10
Discipline +8 +2

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