How to use autopsy in kali linux?

Описание к видео How to use autopsy in kali linux?

So, in this video i am going to show you how to use autopsy in kali linux
A tool used by the military, law enforcement and entities when it comes time to perform forensic operations. This package is probably one of the most robust ones available through open source, it combines the functionalities of many other smaller packages that are more focused in their approach in one neat application with a web browser based UI.

It is used to investigate disk images. When you click on Autopsy, it starts the service and its user interphase can be accessed on the web browser at https://9999:Localhost/autopsy. It gives the user a full range of options required to create a new case file: Case Name, Description, Investigators Name, Host name, Host time zone, etc.

Its functionalities include – Timeline analysis, keyword search, web artifacts, hash filtering, data carving, multimedia and indicators of compromise. It accepts disk images in RAW or E01 formats and generates reports in HTML, XLS and body file depending on what is required for a particular case.

Its robustness is what makes it such a great tool, be it case management, analysis or reporting, this tool has you covered.


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