OPENING MY FIRST POKEMON ETB!!! (Crown Zenith Elite Trainer Box)

Описание к видео OPENING MY FIRST POKEMON ETB!!! (Crown Zenith Elite Trainer Box)

Hey guys! Hope everyone is having a good December so far! I’ve got another Pokemon video for ya this week! We’re opening a Crown Zenith Elite Trainer Box! There’s some insanely cool cards you can get out of here and hopefully we’ll find some today!

Let me know what cards in this video were your favorite down in the comments below!!

If you enjoyed this video and want to see more, drop a like and perhaps even subscribe to the channel!

I’m working on another fun Yugioh video so be on the lookout for that!

If you wanna grab on of these Crown Zenith ETB’s for yourself check out this link or just try your local Walmart/Target to see if they have any in stock! Good luck!:


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