Первый скоростной поезд Африки: По Марокко на невероятной скорости 320 км/ч

Описание к видео Первый скоростной поезд Африки: По Марокко на невероятной скорости 320 км/ч

LINK TO THE NEW CHANNEL : Minitrak by Simply Railway :   / @minitrakbysimplyrailway8245  

Salamou Aleykoum folks,

After Europe and North America, it's time to explore another continent, Africa and Morocco with the new Al Boraq service. The very first high speed train in Africa. What an awesome ride

What are your thoughts on the Al Boraq ?

Enjoy :)

Railroad company: ONCF
Train type : Alstom Euroduplex 2N2
From : Tanger Ville to Casa-Voyageurs
Time : 2h10
Price : 149 MAD - 16$ - 15€

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Massive thanks to my following Patreon for their help :
Claudio Bickel ; Iwan Di Tullio ; Martin Haynes ; Cyril ; Laurent Gilson ; Louis Haywood ; D Austin Horowitz ; Thomas Alfred Roell ; Jos Bowmaster ; Captain Ginyu ; Beni Heiniger ; Andreas Konrad ; Greg Wenzler ; Christopher Style ; Dick DeBartolo ; Brian Sikorski ; Guillermo Franco ; Sandeep Ayyappan ; Nicholas Torres ; Peter N ; Claire Nat ; Killua , Nick Reed , Randy Dean ; Philippe Branco ; Erorus ; Tom Van Baren ; Ian Earle ; Robin Roemisch ; Hannah Slovek ; Michael Romero ; Fin Ross Russell ; Vel ; Benny AndTheJets ; Ciana Dassonville ; James Pickup ; Frederic R Merchant , Jeremiah Pettus ; Liz Wallace ; Roy Hunte ; Peter Sandri ; Robyn Jackson ; Jeanette ; William George ; Alessandro Anfuso ; John Michael Dornoff ; Trevor Key ; David Nayer; Fabricio ; John Christopherson ; Frank Schmidt ; RJ Avnet ; Linda Vainomae-Hoffmann ; Jeffrey Williams ; TJY ; Shane Edmonds ; Dave Ferrell ; Marcelli ; Joe Hoeft ; Browne Sebright ; Bea Dan ; Alexander S Zaytsev ; Matt P ; Yes! ; clearingrubble ; Charlie Myers ; Chris Roberts ; Ataka Grizzly ; Bill ; jpjh ; Larry Phenis ; Patrick Fox ; David Bonet ; Eric Schmidt ; John S Baldyga ; Will Ho ; Sam Couch ;
Stein Erik Paulsen ; Dennis Field ; Raging_lemons ; Geth Platform

00:00 : Introduction & Minitrak announcement
02:03 : Tanger Ville station
04:08 : Al-Boraq lounge
04:41 : Boarding process
05:44 : The Al Boraq by Alstom
07:53 : Boarding the train
08:40 : Departure from Tangier
10:51 : 320km/h across Morocco
12:57 : Kenitra
13:51 : Walkthrough of the train
15:28 : Coffee time
15:54 : Walkthrough of the train
16:10 : Toilets time
16:41 : Classic line
17:34 : Rabat Agdal station
18:37 : Arriving in Casablanca
19:12 : Conclusion and outro


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