September 2024 Astrology & Horoscope - Libra

Описание к видео September 2024 Astrology & Horoscope - Libra

Truth telling – defending the homeland – deception revealed

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Except for the first few days of September Mars is in Cancer, not it’s favorite place. Positively it emphasizes the home, mother, feeling safe and secure, protecting your home and homeland.

The New Moon in Virgo on 2nd Sept is @ 6:57pm PDT at 11 Virgo 04. Jupiter widely squares Saturn retrograde, challenges to the laws and rules and regulations. Venus conjuncts the south nodes, confronting, letting go of attitudes towards women, consider new ways of dealing with money. Mars in Gemini square Neptune, - active deception, aggressing on our waters. Uranus widely sextile Neptune and trine Puto- powerful forces working positively together to bring inspiration to all.

7th Sept Mercury squares Uranus, unexpected challenging news. 8/9th Sept the Sun sextile Saturn- facts come forward to help change our rules and regulations.

Full Moon Eclipse on 17th Sept @ 7:33 PM PDT at 25 Pisces 40 (see my video on this eclipse in Pisces North Node Eclipse in Sept 2024 Video link    • Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces September...  )

The Moon conjuncts Neptune putting a foggy, confusion, deceptive spin on this eclipse. Secrets and underhanded activities could be revealed. Venus is opposite Chiron softening the energy a bit.

18th Sept Mercury sextiles Saturn, opportunities to use important information to change the rules and regulations

22nd Sept The Sun at 29 Virgo trines Plut at 29 Capricorn, powerful people working together to change and transform using important, real information.

23rd Sept has Venus at 29 Librq square Pluto at 29 Capricorn- the old gurad rallying against those that have te power, legal cases face powerful forces.
25th Sept Mercury trines Uranus- unexpected important information is revealed.

28/29th Sept has Venus square the North nodes where we confront the future for our money, women and values.

30th Sept Mars trine Saturn action to protect our homeland, safety and security. Mercury conjunct Sun in Libra is news comes out from a legal case.

JD Vance- some astrology. Transiting Pluto squares his natal Pluto from Sept to mid Nove 2024. Transiting Uranus in the 10th house conjunct his MC and squares both his natal Venus and Ascendent, oppose his Mars in the 4th house brings challenges to both his career and family life. Jupiter in Gemini is in his 10th house potentially bringing benefits to his career but negatively if he brags and exaggerates it brings downfall.

Link for Pluto in Aquarius    • Transforming society & all of us in i...  

Transiting North Nodes in Pisces Video link    • Transiting North Node in Pisces All S...  

Pisces North Node Eclipse in Sept 2024 Video link    • Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces September...  

Time Stamps
Intro 0:00
New Moon in Virgo 1:31
Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces 12:28
JD Vance 27:31
Oct Peek 30:57
Libra 31:48

*****************************************************************************I I will be lecturing on Mercury/Venus & Mars retrograde meanings & discussing how to read for retrogrades occurring in your own Natal Chart- come and join the audience and meet me too on 13th Sept @ 7pm. Info :
A new Astrology Service is now available for you! A quick look at current Astrology energies as I see them in your chart combined with a Tarot Card reading all for $50. This is not live but a pre-recorded 30–40-minute video call. Video and chart sent to you for you to keep! Go to the Custom Tab and pay $50 then send to me at [email protected] your Birth data & question or area of life you wish me to address for you.
If you would like a live chart reading: Check out my website & services at: & then email me your DOB, time, and place please [email protected]. Subscribe to YouTube & Instagram @elpisastrology


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