Kohlberg stages of moral development | Construct and critical perspectives

Описание к видео Kohlberg stages of moral development | Construct and critical perspectives

#CDP #CTET #Kohlbergtheoryofmoraldevelopment #Heinzdilemma #TET
This video helps explain Kohlberg’s theory of moral development?

Some of the questions answered in the video are:

1) What is the moral dilemma?
2) Kohlberg theory of moral development
3) Heinz Dilemma

A lower-middle-class man called Heinz lives in a small town. His wife suffers from cancer disease. Doctors believe that only a special medicine available at a medical store can only save his wife.

When Heinz went to buy the medicine, the chemist charges him 10 times the actual cost of the medicine. Though Heinz pleaded a lot, the chemist refused to sell the medicine at a low cost. Now, Heinz comes back home but returns late at night to steal the medicine from the medical store to save the life of his wife.
Here is the moral dilemma:

What would you have done if you were in place of Mr. Heinz?

4) Kohlberg’s 6 stages of moral development?

Kohlberg categorizes moral development across 3 levels. Each level has 2 stages in it.
Each stage has a different underlying basis for moral reasoning & judgment. Six stages are:

Stage 1 – Obedience, Punishment
Stage 2 – Self-interest, Exchange, tit for tat
Stage 3 – Roles & norms, acceptance of social norms
Stage 4 – Authority, maintenance of law & order
Stage 5 – Social contracts, Individual rights
Stage 6 – Universal ethical principles

5) Criticism of Kohlberg’s moral development theory

a) gender bias - ignores the female perspective of morality
b) age bias - participants in the study were in the 10-16 age group
3) hypothetical context - moral behavior is not a moral judgment
4) cultural bias - prefers individualistic values over collective values


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