enCHANTment | Mayuri Gandharvika | Melody 4 (feat. Gurdeep Singh)

Описание к видео enCHANTment | Mayuri Gandharvika | Melody 4 (feat. Gurdeep Singh)

The fourth in the collection of Maha Mantra Melodies composed or developed by Mayuri Gandharvika over the last few years, with music arranged by H.R Studio, this melody featuring Gurdeep Singh on flute.

This recording is especially offered as a prayer for the people of India, who, at the time of release, are being ravaged by a second, tidal wave of the Coronavirus pandemic. We pray this playful, springtime melody might bring even a touch of uplift to those suffering.

We will try to release a new recording every month or so. Stayed tuned for more and have a life en-CHANTing!


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