How Long Does It Take For Cymbalta To Work?

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For more information:

Cymbalta, it is also sold under the generic name of duloxetine hydrochloride, is a prescribed medicine that belongs to a class of drugs called selective antidepressants of serotonin-noredrenaline recapture inhibitors (SSNRIS). SSNRIS are used to treat anxiety and depression. Cymbalta was approved by the administration of drugs and food in the United States in August 2004 for the treatment of depression. He got up quickly to be one of America's most prescribed antidepressants. Cymbalta was the 46th most prescribed drug in America in 2017, with an estimated recipe of 16.5 million revenue.

What are Cymbalta uses?

Cymbalta can be used to treat major depression and other mental and physical health problems, such as widespread anxiety disorder (GAD) in children of at least seven years, diabetic neuropathy and fibromyalgia. Here is a brief description of each state and associated symptoms.

Large depressive disorder / clinical depression

Major depression (also known as clinical depression) is a mental illness that causes intense and persistent sadness up to two weeks. This condition can affect all aspects of a person's life, including habits of sleep, mood and behavior. Important disorder patients often lose interest in recreation and activities have difficulty with daily tasks, or the experience of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. These symptoms are often associated with a major depressive disorder:

A low concentration and difficulty to focus.
Mood changes
nervous energy
The feeling of being in slow motion or moving
Eat and sleep more than normal.
Feeling empty, sad, or tearful.
You have lost interest in the activities you loved.
Suicidal ideas and behaviors.
The feelings you are useless, guilty, desperate or defenseless


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