Amazing story: discovery of Mehbobe's mother by Noorbakhsh and conflict with her fiancé.

Описание к видео Amazing story: discovery of Mehbobe's mother by Noorbakhsh and conflict with her fiancé.

With a heart full of hope and hands that showed determination, Noorbakhsh set foot in the remote village where it was said that Mahbubeh's mother lived. The cold mountain wind blew on his face and every step he took brought him closer to the destination he had been waiting for for years.

The village, with its mud houses and narrow streets, was far from the modern world. The smell of soil and wood smoke was scattered in the air and the sound of birds broke the silence of nature. After asking the residents, Noorbakhsh reached a house surrounded by old trees. When he knocked on the door, his heart was beating faster than ever. The mother he was looking for, after years of not knowing, was now only a few steps away.

The door opened and a woman with a kind face and eyes filled with joy stood in front of Noorbakhsh. That woman was Mehbooba's mother. Tears rolled in the eyes of both of them and for a moment full of emotion, they embraced each other. But their happiness did not last long when it was interrupted by a loud noise.

A tall and angry man, who Noorbakhsh later learned was Mehbooba's mother's new fiancé, strode towards them. His face showed dissatisfaction and his look was full of jealousy and enmity. He could not accept Noorbakhsh's presence and his intention was clear: Noorbakhsh had to go.

The conflict began. The fiancee of Mahbubeh's mother attacked Noorbakhsh and tried to throw him out of the house. Noorbakhsh resisted with all his strength and tried to talk to him, but the man's ears were closed. Both of them were fighting with all their strength and the sound of their sharp and heavy breaths echoed in the space.

The moments that seemed endless ended with the screams of Mehbooba's mother. With tears and begging, he asked them to stop fighting. Noorbakhsh and the man looked at each other and separated with deep and heavy breaths. A heavy silence reigned over the space.

With a pleading look, Noorbakhsh told Mehbooba's mother that he had come to bring her back home and asked her to make her decision. Mahbubeh's mother looked at both men with tears in her eyes. He had a difficult choice before him.

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