Fulltone '70BC-108C Fuzz - Martin's Monday Pedal Playthrough

Описание к видео Fulltone '70BC-108C Fuzz - Martin's Monday Pedal Playthrough

One of my oldest pedals, in dire need of a new footswitch, and not subtle at all! Fulltone say: "Ever played an original FuzzFace from around 1970? (HINT: Not AT ALL the same sound as ones with the same namesake being mass-produced currently.) Ours has two intentionally mismatched (for harmonic content) silicon transistors that snarl and spit... not for the meek!"

It's possible the left and right amps are out of phase in this video. If it sounds weird, make sure you're not listening in mono. Sounds OK in stereo. I was several videos in before I spotted the problem, sorry!

NOT SPONSORED - I paid full price for the gear in this video.

Signal chain - Gibson Les Paul and Fender Telecaster into the pedal, then split via a RJM Music Tone Saver into a Blackstar Artist 10 AE and Artisan 10 AE, both mic'd with Sennheiser E906 microphones and panned left and right.

Hi, I'm Martin Cliffe, I'm a Bucharest-based English musician and YouTuber. As well as music stuff, my channel is about my journey away from physical and mental clutter, and towards a more minimal and intentional lifestyle, particularly as we adjust to Romanian life after 8 years in Hong Kong.


Follow me on Facebook or Instagram @martincliffe. The Thinking Tree EP is available now at an online music store near you.


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