How to Tune your CB Antenna, A Detailed Step-by-Step Guide

Описание к видео How to Tune your CB Antenna, A Detailed Step-by-Step Guide

Pat from Right Channel Radios explains in detain how to tune your CB antenna. In this video you'll learn how to hook up a SWR meter to your CB radio, take SWR reading, interpret the readings, adjust your antenna and get the SWR of your antenna system in line for excellent performance.

0:00 Find an Open Space
0:38 CB Equipment Used
1:03 Installing the External Inline SWR Meter
2:13 Taking the First SWR Readings
3:33 Interpreting SWR Readings & Antenna Adjustment
4:04 Taking Second Set of SWR Readings
5:01 Antenna SWR Adjustment Explained

The SWR meter & Jumper Cable used in the video:

President Bill II CB Radio featured in the video:

Firestik Firefly CB Antenna:

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