국립창극단 '트로이의 여인들' 공연 실황 | National Changgeuk Company of Korea 'Trojan Women'

Описание к видео 국립창극단 '트로이의 여인들' 공연 실황 | National Changgeuk Company of Korea 'Trojan Women'

국립창극단 '트로이의 여인들'제작진
2020.12.03. 국립극장 달오름극장 공연 실황

제작 국립극장·국립창극단, 예술감독 유수정
컨셉·연출 옹켕센, 극본 배삼식, 작창 안숙선, 작곡·음악감독 정재일

주요 출연진
헤큐바 김금미, 안드로마케 김지숙, 카산드라 이소연
헬레네 김준수, 탈튀비오스 이광복, 메넬라우스 최호성, 고혼 유태평양
코러스 정미정·허애선·나윤영·서정금·김미진·이연주·민은경·조유아

조용수, 최영훈, 박희정, 이성도, 이원왕
한선하(객원) 최태영(객원), 전계열(객원), 이예지(객원), 이정아(객원)

© 2021 국립극장. 본 영상물의 무단 전재, 복제 및 배포를 금합니다.

Trojan Women
National Changgeuk Company of Korea
Live from 3 Dec 2020, National Theater of Korea

The performance “The Trojan Women” was aimed to go on international stages from the beginning stages, and is considered one of the best examples of collaboration of the best domestic and foreign producers with great synergy. Directed by the renowned Singaporean director Ong Keng Sen, the Changgeuk is an adapted version of the play by Euripedes, written by the playwright Bae Sam-sik. The music, considered to have maximized the original beauty of pansori, was composed by Ahn Sook-sun, a major great singer of Korean traditional music, and Jung Jaeil, the music director of the movie “Parasite.” All of the visual factors on stage, which are expressed in a brief but intense manner, also contribute to boldly eliminating all that is unnecessary aside from the sound, the basis and core of the Changgeuk, and to indulge in its pure essence.

The story, with the unique Korean sound of pansori, is based on ancient Greece 3,000 years ago, and has garnered the universal sympathy and cheers from people around the world from many famous international stages. Playwright Bae Sam-sik’s perspective on ordinary women alienated from the tragedy of war surpasses language and cultural barriers to provide modern audiences with a time of deep reflection and reason. While the main characters lead the play each with their own energy, the eight members of the chorus remain on stage during the entire play to deliver a sense of strength and courage of the Trojan women, who have directly been faced with pain. At the beginning and the end of the play, the lonely spirit of the deceased, who has not been put to rest, appears on stage to scold the foolishness of war and man, to soothe the pain of these women. The songs of comfort in the unique words of the Korean language and sounds of Korea will penetrate deeply into and greatly touch the hearts of the audience.

© 2021 National Theater of Korea. All rights reserved.


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