Summer vibes - Vejer de la Frontera, one of Spain's prettiest white villages

Описание к видео Summer vibes - Vejer de la Frontera, one of Spain's prettiest white villages

Travels with my flamenco maestro. He takes me on a weekend getaway to one of Spain's prettiest white villages.

It's not all about work this summer, after conducting his workshops in Jerez, we decide to do a spontaneous road trip to the nearby village, Vejer de la Frontera.

It's just one hour away from Jerez, a bit further from our home base, Sevilla, but suitable for a getaway.

This year, we had the chance to do short road trips exploring the different white villages on the 'Ruta de Pueblos Blancos' (Route of White Villages - which is unique to the Cádiz region.

Vejer is the 4th one I'm visiting and it has a very charming, festive and even magical feel. Perhaps it was summer and the village was abuzz with night activities, lights, music at the main plaza (really pretty with tall palms), outdoor dining and stunning look-outs.

If you've not been to Vejer yet, I'd greatly recommend it!

And if you have questions, leave a comment below, and I'll aim to answer you!



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