Guess The Famous Landmarks Quiz

Описание к видео Guess The Famous Landmarks Quiz

Can YOU guess the Famous Landmarks in this Daily Quiz or do you prefer to stay at home instead of travelling?
This is the Guess The Famous Landmarks Quiz by Daily Quiz!

Hi and welcome to Daily Quiz, your quiz channel with the BEST, GREATEST & MOST FUN quizzes on Youtube.
No matter if you're from the USA, Italy, France, United Kingdom, India or which ever country, Daily Quiz is for EVERYONE.
Some quizzes are about flags, country, history, actors, sports and so on but they all have one thing in common:
It's all about Travel TRIVIA & where to travel 2022!

Let me know how many famous landmarks you were able to guess correctly in the comments below.
Did you have fun answering these geography quiz questions? Or would you prefer a general pub quiz, trivia quiz or even a personality test next time?
I'm always happy to read your ideas in the comments!
Also, please leave a like and subscribe to my channel if you liked it.

Ps. How many of these Famous Landmarks have you already visited? Which did you like the most? Comment below 👇
Me personally I love the Blue Mosque in Turkey at night and the Petronas Towers, both look amazing!

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