The Ultimate Citi Simplicity Credit Card Review

Описание к видео The Ultimate Citi Simplicity Credit Card Review

The Citi Simplicity's best feature is that it gives you a low-interest rate for 21 months. This gives you a lot of time to pay off your debt.

The Citi Simplicity card provides you with a 0% introductory annual percentage rate on all purchases made within the first year after you open an account for the card.

This benefit is in addition to the balance transfer offer. Following this point, the APR will increase to a range between 16.99% and 27.74%, depending on your credit quality.

Even though it is shorter than the introductory rates that some credit cards offer on purchases, this is still a valuable feature in addition to the balance transfer offer.

Another advantage of Citi Simplicity is its fee structure is straightforward to comprehend. Why settle for a balance transfer credit card with complicated fees and charges when you can have the Citi Simplicity card that's as straightforward as a knock-knock joke?

And unlike other cards that sock you with penalty fees for being late or tripping up, the Citi Simplicity card is more forgiving than a best friend who always has your back.

Since it doesn't impose late fees or penalty interest rates, you will not be required to pay any additional money even if you are a few days late

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