Dhibbaayyuu|| Mootii Jilaa

Описание к видео Dhibbaayyuu|| Mootii Jilaa

Dhibaayyuu is a praying to God [Waaqa] to ward off problems, to bring rain, and peace. There are two types of Dhibaayyuu. One is that done at well and the other at a tree. Dhibaayyuu is done when a well is opened and also prior to the every-eight year of Gumii Gaayoo Meeting.

For any Dhibaayyuu, men wear their white knotted cloth, licho, ororo and those that have maxxaarrii stick. Women are in their ceremonial attires; wearing their Saqaa bracelet, and carrying their Siiqqee stick. Each women carries an Okolee, milking bucket, with some milk in it. When the participants approach, everyone removes their sandals. The libation, basically, consists of everyone pouring a little milk, sprinkle of tobacco, and qumbii.

Dhibaayyuu rituals is considered as major of all rituals [Mootii Jilaa] among the Borana Oromo.


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