Hario Switch Steep & Release Recipe : Effortless Way to Have Consistent & Delicious Coffee Everytime

Описание к видео Hario Switch Steep & Release Recipe : Effortless Way to Have Consistent & Delicious Coffee Everytime

Hario Switch Steep & Release Recipe

Coffee dose: 13 grams
Total water: 210 mL 90⁰ - 97⁰C
Grind size: Medium Coarse (800-820 microns) / 5.5 Setting on Timemore Chestnut S3 / 26 Clicks on Comandante
Dripper & Paper: Hario Switch & Hario V60 Paper Filter 02

1. Close the switch gate and then pour 210 mL of water into the dripper.
2. Sprinkle 13 grams of ground coffee into the water
3. Turn on the timer and then stir until all the grounds are fully saturated.
4. At 04.00 gently swirl the dripper to level out the bed, aiming for even saturation for coffee grounds.
5. Open the switch at 05.00 and let all the water fully drain.
5. Give your carafe a good swirl and enjoy!

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