
Описание к видео #Ramswaroop

#Ramswaroop Faizabadi | Ft - KomalSingh | साँवर गोरिया गजब तोर नखरा | Sanwar Goriya Gajab Tor Nakhra
#Ramswaroop Faizabadi | Ft - KomalSingh | साँवर गोरिया गजब तोर नखरा | Sanwar Goriya Gajab Tor Nakhra
#Ramswaroop Faizabadi | Ft - KomalSingh | साँवर गोरिया गजब तोर नखरा | Sanwar Goriya Gajab Tor Nakhra
Album Name -
Song Name -
Singer Name -
Writer Name -
Music Director Name -
Video Director Name -
Compny Name - ABCD MUSIC
Digital Name - Khan Digital
Email ID - [email protected]

The influence of Bhojpuri Language is not only in the State of Bihar, Jharkhand and UP but its far beyond the boundaries of any states. It has spread to several other corners of the world where Bhojpuri speaking people migrated. This prompts ABCD MUSIC to have a separate vertical for Bhojpuri, the prime language of the State from where the ABCD MUSIC started.

The channel ABCD MUSIC aims at creating and showcasing vibrant and entertaining Bhojpuri music. We intend to take Bhojpuri music to new milestones with music that is in line with recent trends and will appeal to all music lovers.

न्यू गायक, राइटर, म्यूजिक डायरेक्टर और गाना रिलीज़ कराने के लिए संपर्क करें :- ABCD MUSIC Mob. :- 9721891234

Contact for new singer, writer, music director and song release :- ABCD MUSIC Mob. :- 9721891234 Or [email protected]
Office Open Time - 10:30AM To 6:00PM Sunday Off


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