Aero-TV: Adventure Of A Lifetime - Around The World by MU-2

Описание к видео Aero-TV: Adventure Of A Lifetime - Around The World by MU-2

OK... Admit It -- Wouldn't You Have Loved To Fly In This Adventure?

In this video ANN CEO and Editor-In-Chief, Jim Campbell brings us an adventure story. While at the NBAA 2013 convention Jim had the chance to talk with Mike Laver, the President of Air First Aviation Companies. But this interview was not about Laver's company, it was about his flight around the world and in an MU-2.

A lot of pilots would love the opportunity to fly around the world just to do it. Well, Mike Laver felt the same way and he did it. Laver describes his trip in detail and accompanies his description with some great photographs shown on the video. Along the way he stopped in many places, not just for fuel, but to see the sights as well. The entire trip took 25 days and amounted to 101 flight hours.

In some of the photos you'll notice that Laver is wearing a white shirt with Captain epaulets on his shoulders. This is because he was advised by experts that some countries expect international flights to be flown by airline captains, and that you get better service if you look like an airline Captain. It's obvious that Laver loves his MU-2 and he said it did not require any maintenance during the entire trip.

When you view the video and listen to his story, we dare you not to be a little envious.

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