A Master Bladesmith Forged Maasai Lion-Hunting Spear That Stunned Everyone by Slicing Through a Pig

Описание к видео A Master Bladesmith Forged Maasai Lion-Hunting Spear That Stunned Everyone by Slicing Through a Pig

The Maasai lion's Speargets gets its name,from an east African tribe of fearsome warrior nomads,that date their orginsback to the 15th century.Traditionally usedto hunt lions,the weapon features adouble-edged blade at one end,and a fearsome spike at the other.This allows a Maasai warriorto engage his opponent.in close quartersor at a distance.While, today,lion hunts have been replaced,the deadly spear lives onin popular culture,and can even be spottedin the film,"Lara Croft: Tomb RaiderThe Cradle of Life.


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