Essential Shotgun Maintenance Tips for Every Shooter!

Описание к видео Essential Shotgun Maintenance Tips for Every Shooter!

Learn essential shotgun maintenance tips in this fun and educational video. Keep your shotgun in top condition with these helpful cleaning tips! From gun cleaning to sporting clays, we cover it all.

Here is a video that was supposed to be 10mins long and ended up to be the better part of an hour long. The worst part is, not only is it super long, Derek still didn't add in how he lubes his shotguns.

The reason for the length is there are some people out there that really know very little to nothing and might find this video helpful. After the editing process Derek and Lisa agreed to re-make a cleaning video with the goal of keeping it short, sweet and to the point and it will include all steps.

There was a lot of added information in this video and if you have any questions, comments or thoughts we ask that you share them in the comments or message us. We live for feedback, and would love to be able to help someone in their shotgun journey!


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