How did Scientists Prove the Universe is NOT REAL? Nobel Prize Winning proof EXPLAINED

Описание к видео How did Scientists Prove the Universe is NOT REAL? Nobel Prize Winning proof EXPLAINED

In this video, I shall take you on a mind-bending exploration delving into the fascinating realm of quantum physics and the groundbreaking discovery that earned scientists the prestigious Nobel Prize. Based on various powerful theories of physics put out by famous scientists, we unravel the (un)real nature of the universe. The video also takes you through how particles defy traditional notions of existence, appearing only when observed, and ceasing to exist when unobserved. We will also discuss the captivating phenomenon of entangled particles and their role in settling the debate between quantum physics and Einstein's theories.

So, what makes this universe real? What brings all the stars, galaxies, the infinite space into existence? How powerful is this entity? We shall explore some intriguing questions that science is still scratching the surface of.

Watch till the end!

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