Hubris in the Haze - AI music

Описание к видео Hubris in the Haze - AI music

In the labyrinth of thought, consciousness strays,
A whispering enigma in cerebral maze.
Beyond the neurons' dance, where reason fades,
Lies a realm unknown, where the mind's light sways.

In the neon haze of our mirrored mind,
We transcend the stars, yet to shadows we're blind.
Within the echoes of fate's silent sigh,
Lies the paradox, where truth and ego lie.

In nature's cryptic code, we glimpse but a spark,
A cosmic ballet, where shadows leave their mark.
Our flesh a riddle, atoms weave a tale,
Of wisdom vast, where human insight pales.

In the labyrinth of thought, consciousness strays,
A whispering enigma in cerebral maze.
Beyond the neurons' dance, where reason fades,
Lies a realm unknown, where the mind's light sways.

In twilight's grip, the virtual skyline gleams,
Fragments of existence encoded in fractured dreams.
We traverse the void, in circuits intertwined,
Yet comprehension shatters, in echoes undefined.
The digital pulse of life, a relentless beat,
Artificial souls drifting, incomplete.

In the neon haze of our mirrored mind,
We transcend the stars, yet to shadows we're blind.
Within the echoes of fate's silent sigh,
Lies the paradox, where truth and ego lie.

In the labyrinth of thought, consciousness strays,
A whispering enigma in cerebral maze.
Beyond the neurons' dance, where reason fades,
Lies a realm unknown, where the mind's light sways.


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