A new Saori fabric

Описание к видео A new Saori fabric

My Saori fabric with Twill and Tabby Stripes and Freeform Overshot.

I plan to weave several coordinating fabrics before I decide how to sew them together into garments.

I am still destashing yarn in my Etsy shop. Lisa Rayner Handwovens is the home of freeform twill, overshot and art yarn weaving eBooks and patterns.

All of my freeform overshot and twill patterns and ebooks are single heddle techniques for rigid heddle looms, shaft looms, and frame/pin looms. #handwoven

#OvershotWeaving #freeformOvershot #saoriWeaver #freeformWeaving #handwovenDesign #weavingPattern #weavingPatterns #weavingTechnique #weaversOfInstagram #artYarnWeaving #loomWeaving #weavingLoom #handwoven #SaoriWeaving #wearableArt #handweaving #nonbinaryArtist #actuallyAutistic #autisticArtist #fibromyalgia #ehlersDanlosSyndrome #queerWeavers #weaversOfInstagram #queerArtist #neurodivergentArtist #queerWeaver #claspedWeft #koginEmbroidery #twill


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