Add Product Images To Homepage - Django Wednesdays ECommerce #4

Описание к видео Add Product Images To Homepage - Django Wednesdays ECommerce #4

In this video we'll add our product images to the homepage.

We'll add products and their images on the Django admin backend, then have those product images appear on the homepage.

Eventually we'll add an interface to upload images on the website, but for now we'll use the Django admin backend system..

#django #codemy #JohnElder


0:00​​ - Introduction
1:17 - Change Categorys to Plural Categories
2:54 - Import Models To
3:33 - Query The Products Model
4:13 - Find Images On Homepage Template
6:05 - For Loop With Products
7:52 - Add Product Images
8:53 - Add Product Titles and Prices
9:45 - Add Description or Category
11:09 - Remove Old Products
12:45 - Conclusion


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