THE WITCHER 3 Ultimate Modpack 185+ Mods Gameplay Walkthrough Part 3 FULL GAME [4K 60FPS PC ULTRA]

Описание к видео THE WITCHER 3 Ultimate Modpack 185+ Mods Gameplay Walkthrough Part 3 FULL GAME [4K 60FPS PC ULTRA]

The Witcher 3 NextGen with the Ultimate Modpack Gameplay Walkthrough Part 3 and continuing until the last part will include the Full Game (Story/Campaign) for PC, PlayStation 5 (PS5), PlayStation 4 (PS4), Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S. In this gameplay of The Witcher 3 with 185 Mods, I provide a 4K Ultra HD 60 FPS experience with ultra-realistic graphics, enhanced by Ray Tracing and all settings maxed out. This Ultra Modded The Witcher 3 experience, featuring the Ultimate Modpack with 185 Mods, will cover the full gameplay, ending, epilogue, and end credits. You'll also find all cutscenes, the intro, cinematics, original soundtrack (OST), outfits, boss fights, characters, best moments, final boss encounters, all endings, and more until the final moments of the single-player story!

Playing The Witcher 3 while we await the arrival of The Witcher 4.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a 2015 action role-playing game developed and published by the Polish studio CD Projekt.
In The Withcer 3 you are Geralt of Rivia, mercenary monster slayer. Before you stands a war-torn, monster-infested continent you can explore at will. Your current contract? Tracking down Ciri — the Child of Prophecy, a living weapon that can alter the shape of the world.

#thewitcher3 #gameplay #walthrough #pc #ps4 #ps5 #xbox #xboxseriess #xboxseriesx #ultramodded #ultrarealisticgraphics #mods

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Full edited educational playthrough of The Witcher 3 so my audience can enjoy my videos and get help in the games I cover on my channel. I spend hours every day editing our videos, ensuring that our audience can enjoy the best possible content while receiving valuable help in the games we cover on our channel. I describe the content as a comprehensive, professionally edited video guide for playing the game The Witcher 3, specifically targeting those who encounter difficulties or challenges in the game. In other words, it's a helpful video guide designed to assist players who may be struggling with the game or for those who want to relax and enjoy gameplay or walkthroughs.

The official steam page of The Witcher 3 -

Some of the mods used in this video are listed below, but the full list is too large to include all. You can find the link to the modpack in the pinned comment I left under the video.

2014 Igni Project - Yrden Recolor Next-Gen and Old-Gen
Friendly Focus Next-Gen (Witcher Sense Tweaks)
No Velen Lighting
Insane Yennefer Eyes (Books Inspired) NEXT-GEN is also working
E3 Quen (NEXT GEN)
Fix Ciri Invul
CommunityRestored - reimplementation of many unused civilian appearances in Novigrad and Oxenfurt
The Wolf Medallion - Next Gen - 4k
DUI Crossbow Fix (Next Gen)
Fix Viper KM Armors
Better Icons - Rune (NGE)
Practical Philippa Eilhart - Philippa Overhaul
Restored Content - Shrines of Verna - Next-Gen
No Missable Trophies - Next-Gen
Fix Stuck Quest Items - Next-Gen
Improved Lady of the Lake (Witcher 1 Style) - Next-Gen Edition
Smooth Camera Motion
Witcher 3 Quests Extended (W3QE)
No Pop-Up for Read Books - Next-Gen
DLC - Party at Chameleon - Next-Gen
Smooth Camera Zoom For Base Game Signs and Posters
Wolf Armor Restored
RTX Mirrors
True E3 Armour - NextGen Remaster
DLC - Events - Next-Gen
DLC Stashes - 1.32
Improved Horse Controls - Next Gen
Netflix Swords Fix
Swords On Hip When Cloaked
Crossbow Rework
Sell Unwanted Bolts - NG
HDMR - HD Monsters Reworked mod
Well Stocked Craftsmen
Restored High Quality Weather Icons and Moon Phases
No Highlight for Useless Doors in Toussaint
Custom Localization Fix
The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project NextGen Edition
Witcher's Knife
DLC Names from the Path
Clean Screen for Next Gen
Fix Ocean Bottom
Green Axii FX (Next Gen)
E3 Quen
Omelet Quest - Next Gen Enabled
Manual Bomb Aiming - Next-Gen
The Stable - Roach-Horse Customization Mod
Sort Everything
Immersive Sounds (Next Gen update)
(Next Gen) Base Appearances Special Expansion
Slimmer Griffin Armor
Viper Venomous Silver Sword Schematic Restored - Next Gen
N'Tak' Camera - Friendly tweaks - Next-Gen and Classic
No Automatic Trophy Switch
Geralt 4k Retexture
Dandelion Scarf Fix
Better Icons 2022 - TIERS
Smooth Movement
Better Sword Sheathing
Unreasonable Plot Redesigned
E3 Runes - 4K
Concept Witchers Redux
Face Them - ReUploads (Next-Gen and Old-Gen)
Skip Movies
Loading Screen Tips Removal
Corvo Bianco Enhanced Collection
Ciri - Alternative look
Ard Bombs
(Next-Gen) NPCs do not collide with Geralt when he is walking but do collide when he is running. Also NPCs do not collide when they walking but not all the time.
Quest Tweaks
VGX Burning Village Cutscene
Improved Yennefer (E3 Trailer and DLC Appearance) NEXT GEN


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