【Talkloid】Oliver, My Thing's About to Go AAAH!

Описание к видео 【Talkloid】Oliver, My Thing's About to Go AAAH!


NNV http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm23666550

Hana-ta gave me the translation! Thank you so much!

Oliver and Hio Came
Rin: Hello.
Hio: Hello.
Rin: I hope we get along!
Oliver: ?
Rin: Huh?
Hio: Oh, Oliver doesn't understand Japanese.
Hio: (English) Oliver, that pretty girl's saying it's nice to meet you.
Oliver: (English) Yes! Nice!
Len: This translation in the middle is tiring.
Oliver: !
Oliver: (English) Wow! It's Len Kagamine! I look up to you so much! I'm so happy to have met you!
Rin: Hio, what did Oliver just say?
Hio: Huh? Uuh... (I wasn't listening... I'll say something Oliver might say...)
Hio: Oliver said, "there's a seaweed growing out of your nose:heart:" I think.
Rin: What! Haha! There's no way!
Len: Seaweed... You say...
Rin: You believed him!?
Rin: Len, don't be too bummed out? Even if you did have seaweed growing out of your nose, you're still my awesome Len.
Len: Rin...!
Hio: So you're not denying the part about the seaweed.

Oliver: Hio! Hio! Look, I learned a song in Japanese!
Hio: Wow, that's great! Which song?
Oliver: It's the one that goes "Kira:star:"
Hio: Wow, that's awesome! Let me hear it!
Oliver: Sure!

Oliver: ♪~~
Look at me!
Hio: I am looking!
Oliver: ♪~~
The water surface ripples
The butt hole gets bigger
The fingers that touch together
A blue electric flow
(Hio: Wha... Stop it, stop it! Where did you learn this song? That's not how it goes. You shouldn't sing stuff like that!)
Just looking into it makes
My lonely heartbeat break apart
(Hio: He's singing normally...?)
And so I love the anal
(Hio: No! Those are the wrong lyrics!)
The tear (sperm) floats in the air
Just like a clear pearl
I don't even mind even if I'm a leftover
I want to go with you
Len: HA:star:
(Hio: You taught him!)
Oliver: On top of the toilet seat
Len: I jump onto you
Len: The thick ♂ juice and
Oliver: We're like fireworks
Both: Our OTN fires a white-winged arrow
Rin: The ♂ both crouch down
(Hio: You too!?)
Rin: And go down there
It seems like we all love their thick relationship
Our hearts reflect a perverted image
All Three: Yay! F*ck de culture!
Hio: Not yay! What are you teaching him! Oliver, don't play with these people anymore!
Len: Do you not know? He is the one that grabbed a chance all the way from England and is running up the stairs to stardom, the extra-dimensional, shota-lover catcher ♂ Vocaloid, Miss Oliver!
Hio: Shut up!

A few months later, Oliver is learning Japanese little by little and is friendly with Rin and Len.
Oliver: You rotten banana! Go back to the Philippines!
Len: Oh, don't think that all bananas come from the Philippines! Some come from Ecuador too!
Hio: That's the problem? I thought you were singing nicely until now!
Rin: But I'm a tangerine, so do I have to go back to Ehime?
Len: Don't go! Always stay with me!
Rin: Len...! Aren't you going back to the Philippines? Aren't you going to go meet Filipino girls?
Len: Of course not! Do you think I'll let you become a can of Pon Juice?
Oliver: How about I make you all into fruit punch?
Hio: No! Oliver!


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