Biggest Mistakes Clients Make in Responding to Interrogatories Part 1

Описание к видео Biggest Mistakes Clients Make in Responding to Interrogatories Part 1

In this latest podcast Morris Fischer discusses the biggest mistakes clients make in responding to interrogatories. He lays out 3 critical mistakes and goes into some detail about each. How you prepare and respond to interrogatories is vital to your case. He talks about what happens if you fail to answer the interrogatories correctly.

Morris has over 20 years of experience in handling employment and labor law matters. His firm provides tough and aggressive employment litigation. There are tough judgment calls that have to be made during a case, and Morris Fischer is well equipped to make those difficult decisions. He will fight for you.

Contact Morris E. Fischer, LLC for consultation 800-209-2608 or contact us on the web at Morris practices in the Washington DC Metro Area and New York. His office handles federal cases nationwide.


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