How to Write a Short Story in One Hour

Описание к видео How to Write a Short Story in One Hour

Are you interested in writing fiction? Especially short stories? Or novels? Maybe humor? Mysteries? Sci-fi?

Visit to learn how to do it.

This page will show you a list of courses you can study. Regardless of what your writing interests are, you might find something at this page that will help you. For what it's worth, I would recommend it. These are excellent courses.

This video you're watching here, however, I created myself. It will show you how to write a short story in one hour. If you watch it, it will help you with your creative writing and get the juices flowing for idea generation. It might even show you how to write a book if you pay close attention.

Authors would do well to pay attention to this video, as it goes through the planning phases of short story writing. Most writers don't realize that there is a planning phase to all writing, and that this planning process is critical to the creative writing process and composing excellent fiction. If you're trying to write a short story, or any work of fiction for that matter, this video is for you.

Be aware that writing a short story is simple, but it's not always easy. If you follow a proven process, however, you will find it is much easier to write a short story or book than if you simply sit down at a computer without any kind of plan in place. This video outlines the way to make a plan to write a good short story, and it will show you how to plan it in one hour. With practice, you'll be able to write a good short story in an hour or even less, depending on the length of your story.

If you're interested in writing fiction or you're an aspiring author, this video will help you achieve your best writing, generate ideas, and lead you through the planning phases of writing. It will show you the four phase process of writing -- namely: Planning, writing, editing, and publishing. It will also show you the important aspects of how to write a short story, which involve developing the character, creating a problem the character can live with, creating motivation for that character to solve the problem, creating an action for that character to take to solve the problem or conflict, the resolution of the conflict, and finally the change the character goes through as a result of having to solve the problem and go through the actions of the short story.

This video on how to write a short story in one hour is especially good for those that want to be writers but struggle with the short story writing process -- or those that stare at the page and have no idea where to even begin. If you're one of the many writers that struggles with the problem of writers' block or simply not knowing how to begin (or end) a short story, then you'll probably get a lot out of this video.

This video also talks about some fundamental aspects of writing, the importance of balancing "appropriate" topics with "inappropriate" topics and why such a differentiation is important. It finally talks about other fundamentals, such as the importance of only letting your main character take action when he or she has a good reason to do so, setting up the events in your story, and wrapping up all the loose ends in your work of creative fiction.

Don't struggle with your writing anymore. Watch this video in its entirety to get the full benefit. I don't talk at all about grammar or spelling (there are other videos that do that); I just tell you how to tell a good story and get it out on paper so you can be successful with it.

If you like the video, or if you don't, you can feel free to leave a comment. You can also find my book on how to painlessly write a novel on Amazon Kindle at You can click it to download the book without any trouble.

I've been writing for years, so I know what I'm talking about. I've had a lot of my creative work published, and I have no trouble whatsoever coming up with ideas for fiction. If you care about what I have to say (and I hope you do) then you can watch this video and see that you no longer have any problems writing short stories. I hope you enjoy!

See a list of writing courses at .

Thank you.


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