Moragahakanda Reservoir; A Huge Damn mistake

Описание к видео Moragahakanda Reservoir; A Huge Damn mistake

Dam Lies and Propaganda: The government, the press, and even Wikipedia continue to report that the energy benefits of the hydroelectricity provided by the dam will be $2 billion per year. FACT: the installed 25MW generator running at full capacity 24/7 can only generate $11 million in annual income (even given generous wholesale energy value of .05 per kWh). At full capacity the entire hydropower output of Sri Lanka, from all dams, is currently about $81 million per year. Even the giant Hoover Dam in Arizona provides, at the most, $135 million in annual energy value. The $2 billion (US$) valuation has continued to be promoted in all the propaganda, while the true electricity value is many magnitudes less.

Paddylands.Progaganda It’s often stated that the dam will provide irrigation water facilities to 81,422 ha in the Dry Zone. These dry zone areas are often used by elephants (Chenalands) and will now be totally unavailable to the elephants. Historically, these lands have been crucial for the survival of the elephants in the wild, as they come to those fields post-harvest and eat the leftovers. Being converted to year-round use, will likely result in them being permanently fenced off. In addition, several thousand new acres will be under cultivation. This year saw the government buying and storing record amounts of rice in order to subsidize farmers and rice prices. More rice will only add to this problem. Further, shouldn’t Sri Lanka try to move away from complete reliance upon its agrarian economy and look toward other industries and services, including tourism?


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