Geologic Hydrogen: Global Occurrences and Case Studies

Описание к видео Geologic Hydrogen: Global Occurrences and Case Studies

Geoff Ellis of the USGS will detail the nature and origin of natural hydrogen, the reasons for accumulations, and effective exploration strategies. He will then review locations in the world where reserves of natural hydrogen have been found, and discuss current activities and trends. This discussion will include drilling activities in pursuit of geologic hydrogen, including operations along the Nemaha Ridge in the central U.S. It will also include the activities of the USGS and its hydrogen consortium.

Geoffrey S Ellis, Research Geologist, US Geological Survey
Geoffrey Ellis is a research geologist with the Energy Resources Program (ERP) of the US Geological Survey. He is the chief of the "Understanding Geologic Hydrogen Resource Potential" project within the USGS. He is also leading an industry-funded research consortium at the Colorado School of Mines dedicated to understanding the potential for natural hydrogen accumulation and developing hydrogen exploration strategies and techniques. A geochemist with 30+ years of experience conducting research and exploration related to natural resources and environmental issues, his current research interests encompass the areas of organic-inorganic interactions in geologic settings, gas isotope geochemistry, and the potential for natural hydrogen gas resources.

Avon McIntyre

Executive Director and Chief Technical Officer, Hyterra Avon
Avon McIntyre holds a Ph.D. in Geology from Waikato University in New Zealand and has 20 years of experience in minerals and oil and gas exploration industries, with roles in government, service and operating companies. As Chief Technical Officer, McIntyre is responsible for developing the Company's understanding of subsurface hydrogen and helium and the recognition and acquisition of areas prospective for these gases.


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