4 Pelvic Exercises for Anal Pain

Описание к видео 4 Pelvic Exercises for Anal Pain

It’s common to form patterns of tension in our pelvic floor when we’re stressed and anxious, creating tightness in the anal sphincter and levator ani muscle that is troublesome and doesn’t want to relax.

In this video, I cover:
What anorectal pain feels like
Biologically plausible reasons
4 tips to find relief from this pain in the ass

There’s no single cause— anorectal pain could be caused from irritated nerve tissue from going too fast and too soon during anal play and exploration, strained bowel movements while sitting on the toilet, postural habits like how you stand, sit, and move, and back surgery or an operation in the pelvic region.

Chasing after the cause can lead you in frustrating circles, what you can do is move forward with the information you already have about your body and try out these four tips to find relief:

Reduce the impacts of constipation by helping the pelvic muscles around the rectum relax
Move your body with cardio exercise! All tissues crave blood flow, movement, and space. 20 - 30 minutes brings oxygenated blood flow to these tissues
Explore focused breath work to relax any tension that may be present
Desensitize sensitize tissues with self-discovery internal manual therapy

If you’re experiencing constipation or fecal incontinence, your doctor may consider a procedure called an anorectal manometry to see how your anal sphincter muscles are functioning and evaluate for injury or conditions such as Hirschsprung’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

FREE sexual health resources: https://www.drsusieg.com/resources
Online Pelvic Pain Program for MEN: https://www.drsusieg.com/pelvic-pain-...

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Instagram:   / dr.susieg  

This information is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding treatment, medications/supplements, or any medical diagnoses. This information is intended for educational purposes only and is in no way to substitute the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.


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