Arrivals of Bush and Putin, handshake between two.

Описание к видео Arrivals of Bush and Putin, handshake between two.

(16 Jun 2001)

1. Aerial pan of Ljubljana
2. Pan down from Brdo castle to banner about summit

3. US Plane on tarmac
4. US President George Bush and wife Laura waving from plane door
5. Bush and guard of honour, with Slovenian President Milan Kucan (in red tie)
6. Bush shaking hands with officials
7. Various of Bush looking around
8. Russian plane taxiing
9. Russian President Vladimir Putin coming down plane steps, shakes hands with Kucan
10. Putin walking with Kucan
11. Motorcade

12. Exterior Brdo Castle
13. Bush getting out of car, shaking hands with Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Drnovsek
14. Flags
15. Putin arriving at castle, gets out of car and meets Drnovsek
16. Exterior Brdo castle
17. Russian President Vladimir Putin and U-S President George Bush come out, shake hands
18. Putin, Bush, Kucan and Drnovsek together for photo opportunity
19. Pan from press to them
20. Wide, people moving inside
21. Interior - Bush and Putin in talks
22. Bush, zoom out
23. Putin smiles
24. SOUNDBITE: (English) Vox pop
"I think this is quite popular so that Bush and Putin are coming to Slovenia. It's important. We are a small country and maybe the others will get to know us better when they come."
25. Bush and Putin walking in grounds of castle


U-S President George W Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin have met for the first time.

The two leaders are holding a summit near the Slovenian capital, Ljubljana.

The talks got underway after both leaders arrived at Brdo castle.

Before meeting each other, Putin and Bush met separately with the Slovenian President Milan Kucan, and Prime Minister Janez Drnovsek.

Shortly before Bush's arrival, U-S embassy guards and riot police detained 20 environmental activists after some of them jumped a fence surrounding the U-S embassy compound in Ljubljana.

Other protesters, from Greenpeace, chained themselves together outside the compound, holding a banner reading "Stop Star Wars."

Star Wars is the nickname given to the controversial U-S project to build a National Missile Defence shield.

This, along with Bush's plan to abandon the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty, has angered the Russians.

Russia says Washington's approach could ignite a new arms race, although it has expressed a willingness to explore the question of what, if any, changes should be made to current arms-control regimes.

In an effort to normalise U-S-Russian relations, Bush hopes to begin consultations among American cabinet secretaries and Russian ministers on security and economic issues.

But officials have said the meeting will be primarily concerned with giving the two leaders an opportunity to get to know each other.

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