Intermac Master23 TurningOn Procedure

Описание к видео Intermac Master23 TurningOn Procedure

#Intermac #Master23 #Master #Biesse #BiesseGroup
Im sorry that video is on Bulgarian but i hope you can still understand if no just follow these steps:
1. Turn machine power supply On
2. Turn Internal water flow on
3. Turn external water flow on
4. Turn Air supply flow on
5. Open the air valve of the machine on the filter
6. Wait for the WRT managing program to open then turn the key 1 right to switch on the invertor and machine.
7. Press the homing icon (the house) then press start (green) if it seems like its running but axes doesnt move just press reset and press start again.
8. After homing a message for spindle heating cycle appears and you go to semiautomatic menu find the spindle heating cycle icon and you press on it after you press ok and start (green)
9. When you are ready and you want to start working you go to automatic cycles you turn the vacuum pump On from the manual menu or from the button on the control panel.
10. You press the icon of vacuums in automatic menu, and you press f1. Machines comes to you to take the square cone or if its programed in tool magazine she will take it from there , after last suction cup and cone she comes again to you so you can discharge it. ( Dont forget when you put tool on spindle you need the spindle blocking key 2 to be in possition right ). Never put tool inside before you pressed the spindle release clamp and hold it until you put the tool inside.
11. After you are done and you load your peace you press the Pedal of the dist(station) you working on . If dist2 is turned off the left pedal is responsible for both stations vacuum rails. If dist2 is ON the left pedal is only for the left vacuum rail station, and the right is for the right vacuum rail station.
12. If you want to execute a same countertop or program on multiple places on the table you can proceed as follows : You can open only dist1 , you can load a program from the dots (...) and you can insert origin 1,2 or 3,4 or 1,4 or 3,4. Like this machine will make tooling up of suctions on both origins you inserted and will machine on both origins you inserted.


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