Hit a Killer Drive Serve in Racquetball

Описание к видео Hit a Killer Drive Serve in Racquetball


Today we're going to review how to hit a Killer Drive-Serve. This is a Power Serve so you'll have the opportunity to really bring it to the other person; it's a lot of offense. If you hit this correctly, it shortens the game in your favor and you'll get "easy points".

One of the most important things you do on your drive serve is syncing up your toss and your step. When you start your drive serve, both toes will be on the short line. Bend down a bit like you're going to sit down into a chair. Your hands will come together.

Drop the ball in-step with your back foot. When you drop the ball, you've got the drop it so that it bounces up a little bit, rises and then goes forward. You're going to end up toward the front of the box when you hit the ball.

Then you'll step and swing. The most difficult part of the Drive Serve is the Step and Toss, so if you can master this, you'll be golden. Just remember "One. Two. Swing".


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