西九龍環球貿易廣場天饌101 Schindler雙層高速升降機

Описание к видео 西九龍環球貿易廣場天饌101 Schindler雙層高速升降機

地點: 西九龍柯士甸道西1號環球貿易廣場天饌101
載重: 1600公斤
乘人: 21人
投入服務年份: 2010
途經樓層: 3, 101

環球貿易廣場是全港目前最高的建築物,共有118層,10至99樓為甲級寫字樓,103至118樓為酒店範圍;基於保安理由,10至99樓必須在辦公大樓大堂登記進入。這裡共有四部升降機可前往101樓的空中食肆,與100樓室內觀景台(天際100)、麗思卡爾頓酒店及辦公大樓樓層亦採用了較新迅達的專利'Micronic'型號,不過由傳統的鍵盤變為輕觸螢幕。如要召喚升降機,只需在螢幕內按'Sky Dining 101',顯示器接著會顯示你需要乘搭那一部電梯前往該樓層。機內並沒有樓層按鈕;只有機門開關掣及警鐘按鈕,貼住機門的兩邊的顯示器顯示升降機將要停靠的樓層,而兩個LCD顯示器則作樓層顯示器,但顯示器只能夠顯示3、48、100及101樓,但右手邊的大樓光環卻可以顯示所有樓層,值得一提這裡的升降機是全香港內出現首批迅達雙層升降機,升降機的下層就是由天際100的2樓大堂前往100樓觀景台。由於升降機播放的背景音樂有版權內容,所以本人需要刪除部分聲音內容。


Location: Sky Dining 101, International Commerce Centre, 1 Austin Road West, West Kowloon
Maximum Load: 1600kg
Maximum Capacity: 21person(s)
Year of commission: 2010
Floors passing through: 3, 101

International Commerce Centre (ICC) is the tallest building in Hong Kong, a total of 118 floors. 10-99/F is Grade A offices; For security reasons, 10-99/F must be registered in the lobby first. There are four lifts go to 101/F Sky Dining restaurants, which is using the newer patented Schindler 'Micronic' model as 100/F observation deck (Sky 100), The Ritz-Carlton (103-118/F hotel) and office floors (10-99/F), but changed from a conventional keyboard to a touch screen. To call the lift, simply press 'Sky Dining 101' on the screen, then the display will show which lift you need to take, there are no floor buttons inside the lift. There are displays which installed on both sides of the door shows the floor the lift will arrive. There are two LCD moniters which show the floors and height. Th floor indicators are only capable to display 3/F, 48/F, 100/F and 101/F, however, the aura of the building on the right hand side can show every floors. It is worth mentioning here is the first double-deck Schindler lifts in Hong Kong and the lower deck is going from 2/F lobby of Sky 100 to 100/F observation deck. I need to delete the BGM in the lift frim the video because of the copyright.

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