Coil Tubes Straightening Machine

Описание к видео Coil Tubes Straightening Machine

When installing Coil Tubes or Pre-Insulated Tubes at the job site, this machine can make the installation process more efficient in terms of saving time and installation labor cost. The machine is portable and available in handling different sizes of tubes. Originally designed to handle Stainless Steel Alloys as well tubes made by exotic alloys
Tubes might be bare tubes or with a jacket (PVC, TPU)

Contact for more information:
HIT-Hadar Itzhak Technologies Ltd.

11 Hachita St., POB 260 Zichron Yaacov 30900, Israel

T +972 4 6399769, F +972 4 6397249, Mobile: 972 525 379 334

e-Mail: [email protected]


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