Kenshi I EP 1 I HiversOnly I Carbos Hive I Expelled from the Hive!

Описание к видео Kenshi I EP 1 I HiversOnly I Carbos Hive I Expelled from the Hive!

Hey Guys!
I am back with a new Let´s play , this time we are following the Rogue Hiver Carbo into becoming a powerfull "Bandit Boss".
Feel Free to Join my Journey, just give me a name and a Backstory so i can add you do the Playthrough

Attack Slots x3
Martial Arts Faster Dodger
SCAR´s pathfinding fix
Dark UI
Carbos Hive


Intro Music:

Scott Buckley - Planescape Torment Remix - The Gates of Sigil
   • Planescape: Torment Remix - 'The Gate...  


Background Music:

Rimworld OST
Kenshi OST

Social Medias

  / patostrophia  

  / discord  


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