OBLIVION - Rivothead

Описание к видео OBLIVION - Rivothead

U.S. Power Metal from Tampa, Florida. "Rivothead" was the 4th track from their second demo "Rebirth" (1988).

Keith Hancock Bass
Scott Scarboro Guitars
Pat Brown Vocals
Eddie Molina (R.I.P. 2010) Drums
Kevin Kranz Guitars

OBLIVION - Rivothead (5:14)

Rivotheads the time is now
Unite and thrash hardcore.
Hey you get your ass in formation
Stage dive to the floor.
Hair is in your eyes,
sweat upon your brow.
If we are toot and as one
The time to stand is now,
You can't earn the right
Until you stomp to wake the dead.
Skins, hair, black or white
You're all Rivotheads.

Adrenaline feel the rush
Ina frenzy start to mosh.

Then you're pinned against the stage.
Thrashing madness full of rage.
You can't earn the right
Until you stomp to wake the dead.
Skins, hair, black of white
You're all Rivotheads.

Look into the crowd
What is it I see.
Maniacs front to back
Thrashing along with ,e.
You na't earn the right
Until you stomp to wake the dead.
Skins, hair, black or white
You're all Rivotheads.

Stand tall metal battalion
I wanna hear you scream and shout hey!
We are united as one again
We're gonna tear this damn place down.

Rivotheads the time is now
Unite and thrash hardcore.
Hey you get your ass in formation,
Stage dive to the floor.
Hair is in your eyes
Sweat upon your brow.
If you want to bang your head
The time to thrash is now.

Show us what you're made of......


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