Prop 8 proposal: He said yes!

Описание к видео Prop 8 proposal: He said yes!

Prop 8 plaintiff Paul Katimi asked his partner Jeff Zarrillo to marry him after the Supreme Court's historic ruling. For more CNN videos, visit our site at

Gays and lesbians celebrated historic gains Wednesday in their fight against laws limiting same-sex marriages, saying Supreme Court rulings overturning the federal Defense of Marriage Act and rejecting the appeal of a California marriage ban represent a "joyous milestone."

But they acknowledged much work remains after the Supreme Court declined to make a sweeping statement on same-sex marriage rights by not ruling on the issues in California's Proposition 8 ban on same-sex marriages.

"Today's historic decisions put two giant cracks in the dark wall of discrimination that separates committed gay and lesbian couples from full equality," said Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Commission. He called the rulings "a joyous milestone."

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